Thursday, August 18, 2005

Apuuli's Rant

I seem to have an addiction to blogs... this is #4 for me. My first one, Tao of Apu started as what might have been an Apuuli's Rant blog, but has since evolved into something more appropriate for its name, dealing with global moderation with a current emphasis on World Poverty.

Blog #2, Apuuli for President is sort of a spin off of the original. After the coversion of Tao of Apu, I need someplace for my political discussion. But this too has become a focused venture on what my political platform would be if I were my own political party running for president.

My third blog, World Community Development Blog is intended solely as a forum for members of WCDP to discuss the organizations program related issues. It already bears resemblences to Tao of Apu, but still it is intended for a specific purpose. Links to this blog are being restricted, as are posts and comments to this site, to active members of the WCDP organization.

Thru all of this specialization process, I have lost my original forum for just bitching about whatever it is that is bothering me on any given day. So, today I present Apuuli's Rant. I might have called it Apuuli's Daily Rant, or just Daily Rant, but I didn't want to be expected to complain about something every day.

Today's news (and i mean "today" in a general sense, not the news of Thursday, August 18th, 2005) is full of enticing tidbits to moan about. For example, I just read about a move to relocate African wildlife to the United States "for their own protection". What the hell???

A lot of my inspiration for posts here, and elsewhere, comes from listening to KPFK Radio. I recently was listening to a story about the porn industry in which one of the guests talked about how the movie King Kong is really intended to demonize black men against dating white women. (King Kong, captured from a jungle, shackled aboard a boat and shipped across the ocean to the United States... i think the reference is pretty clear). And since this movie has just been remade, I would like to ask that everyone who reads this boycott this movie... and share this notion with others.

Anyway... I could go on and on. So, for those of you who have any interest, that is what you will find here on a (hopefully) fairly regular basis. So, until the next big issue... which will likely closely coincide to the next time i read the news... peace and blessings to you all!


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