Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care

It has been a while, i know....

The health care "debate" has awakened me once again.

Let's talk some facts.

In the current system:

1. People get denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. This is tantamount to a death panel.
2. People's claims get denied, or have limits, that prevent people from getting care... another death panel.
3. Insurance companies do everything they can to NOT pay your claim. .... death panel.
4. Millions cannot afford even the most basic insurance.... death panel.

5. Health care is prohibitively expensive, to those who are uninsured. I was hospitalized recently for a few days. Had i been uninsured I would have been billed $43,000. My insurance company was billed only $9,000. If the health care industry can afford to accept $9,000 from Blue Cross, why do they charge the uninsured $43,000?

6. All health insurance should be non-profit. The profit motive runs counter to providing quality care.

7. PREVENTIVE medicine needs to be covered and encouraged. Prevention is a lot cheaper than hospitalization. Just look at Cuba!

Providing FUNDING for private end of life DISCUSSIONS with doctors is not a death panel. People who are reading the bill any other way are simply ignorant idiots. And one cannot reason with such people, so don't bother trying, just ignore them.

Offering a government OPTION is not socialism. Public schools are government options, is that socialism? the US Postal Service is a government option, is that socialism? Of course the answers to both are no. Likewise, the public option for health care is not going to make us socialists.

Can we please have a reasonable discussion and open debate about this, with people who actually know the facts?

Thank you.


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