Thursday, March 17, 2005

March Madness... and Politics

I have to say, this is the best method i have ever seen to fill a bracket for the NCAA tournament:

ESPN Page 2's entry by Jeff Merron

This year, the Diane Chambers method wasn't going to cut it. I'm still feeling the sting of the November election – I'm a card-carrying liberal (except on many issues), and my team got stomped, electorally-speaking.

It's payback time.

So here's my method:

Round 1: Seeds one and two win (lllinois, Oklahoma State, Washington, Wake Forest, UNC, UConn, Duke and Kentucky). The reasoning here is simple: I don't want you guys to think I'm another Muhammed "They're coming to surrender!" Saeed al-Sahaf. I may be silly, but I'm not completely nuts.

All other games are won by the team that plays in the state that's "more blue" – meaning either Kerry won the state, or lost by less, by percentage.

For example, in Chicago, 12th-seed UW-Milwaukee beats No. 5 seed Alabama, because the Dems won Wisconsin, and got trounced in Alabama.

Some exceptions: I'm picking UNC, the last of my five alma maters, to go all the way.

When two teams are from the same state, I'm going with sentiment: Therefore, NC State, where my niece goes to school, beats Charlotte, where I have no family members to answer to, in the first round.

Gonzaga is ready to show everyone there's more than one team out West.
In the Sweet 16, UCLA beats Gonzaga. Tempting to go with the sentimental choice, which for me is Gonzaga. But California is bluer than Washington State (slightly – both went Kerry), and Los Angeles County is very blue. Although I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm not in bed with the Prius-driving, Lear Jet-flying hyper-liberal Hollywood star crowd.

The main problem with this method, as much as I can tell, is that it's quite idiotic, at least until the Final Four. At that point, it becomes brilliant. Except for George Washington.

One State Two State Red State BLUE STATE

I recently learned of a very interesting website for those of you who want to stick it to the man... politically. is a website that provides you with information on corporate donations. Use this website to determine where you will shop, and save this country!

A few examples: Home Depot gets a rating of 18%, indicating that only 18% of their political contributions go to Democratic candidates, while 82% goes to the republicans. As i looked this up, i was relieved to see that Hyatt Hotels has a 93% rating, indicating that 93% of their donations go to Dems (i just booked 4 nights with this hotel!)

On a similar note, there is also Count Me Blue where you can buy a blue wrist band to proudly display your political affiliation.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Gay and Straight

Why can't i be straight and gay? What makes heterosexuality "straight" and homosexuality not straight? This suggests that if I am gay, i am not following the correct path, that i have deviated, that i am a deviant. When someone has been off drugs for some period, they say " i am straight" meaning i am no longer doing that bad stuff. The use of the term "straight" to describe heterosexuality suggests that homosexuality is the bad stuff. Like we need to be put back on the straight path. The straight and narrow, if you will.

I see my path as being just as correct, just as straight, as anyone. If I were to deviate, it would be to sleep with a woman. This is not my path though, so for me to get straight, would mean for me to get back to being with men.

Therefore, i seek to take back being straight. I am a straight man. And i sleep ONLY with other men.

Next time... practicing the homosexual lifestyle. I don't need to practice, it just comes naturally.

Gay Marriage...

Is marriage something gays and lesbians really want to be attached to?

As i see it, marriage is a failed institution. It is not a contract for life, it is a contract for an undetermined period of time until such time that two people no longer can bear to be together. With something like a 50% failure rate, I would hardly consider it to be a successful venture, or something that needs protecting. In fact, i suspect gay and lesbian couples would more likely raise that percent of success, though of course we would not get any credit for that. I figure lesbians, well, you have two women, and women are all about committment, staying together and are generally good at working things out. Then you have two guys... guys are not as strong on committment, so, if you can get two of them to agree to marriage, you have something rare and special, indeed.

Of course there is always the "benefits" issue. I totally agree that gay couples deserve the same, identical, benefits as heterosexual couples. But i believe this can be accomplished through civil unions. In fact, i think the term "marriage" should be removed from state and federal law completely. Marriage is a religious ceremony, not a civil one. It is a rite, not a right. As such, its regulation belongs entirely within the church, mosque, temple or whatever. Civil marriage should be renamed civil union for EVERYONE! That is what we should be doing. There is no place in government for regulation of religious ceremony.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Troubles at home

I just wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on some of the troubles at home. The US is stirring up problems around the world, trying to play world police and bully supreme, but lets look at the kind of "American Dream" we are spreading around.

Triggered by this absurd bankruptcy bill, i feel the need to talk about some stuff that is wrong with America.

1. A nation of debtors. Because of the intense need to have Stuff, we have become a nation in debt. We get more credit so we can buy more things. What ever happened to savings accounts? We have the personal debts of our citizens and a huge national. We need to learn to live within our means!

2. A nation of lawsuits. Here is one place that i do agree with Bush: The limits on civil judgement awards. We need to stop blaming everyone else because life happens. Stuff happens, deal with it! It is not a perfect world where we can all live in la la land and have perfectly seamless lives where nothing goes wrong, we don't get hurt, our cars don't get dented (it is just a car for petes sake!), i could go on and on.

3. Health Care! Whether it is universal coverage under a national health care system, a basic health care program for those who cannot afford their own insurance, or whatever, we need an overhaul of our health care system. This is possibly one of the biggest causes of bankruptcy in this country. The cost of getting medical treatment is way out of control. This is in part due to the costs of malpractice insurance (see #2 above). It is also due to the high premium we put on looking young and living forever. What is that all about?

4. Instant gratification. We need everything now. This generally means poor quality. When you make something fast, obviously the care and attention to detail has been lost. Maybe this is why all our jobs are going overseas. Face it, would you rather drive an American car or a European model? American shoes (if an american shoe truly exists) or an Italian pair?

Shall I go on?